Evidence disappears
Witnesses forget...
But digital details remain

Founded in 1987, before the web existed.

We specialize in technical enquiries…

a Seattle area firm: discovering clues in computers®, performing detailed computer forensic investigations, finding electronic eavesdropping devices, providing court testimony.

Forensic Basics

Whenever investigations of computers and cell phones are needed it’s time to call an expert. Critical steps to preserve evidence will be missed by most computer techs.


When the wrongful termination suit arrives 2 years from now, how will you respond? Call us to learn about the process of saving computer and cell phone evidence.


US attorneys and local prosecutors depend on us for accurate testimony. Don’t risk your case with a less-than-professional approach.


Threats are a problem in stalking, domestic violence, and other criminal situations. Today’s threats often arrive via cell phone or computer.

Our qualifications are different.

Founder's Blog

COVID-19 prevention — technology works, ignoring tech kills

Sadly, since this blog was initially posted in April of 2020 more than a million have been killed by COVID in the US. Now that the COVID emergency declarations are being relaxed, it’s time to look back and learn. My focus here is the technology known to medical professionals and computer geeks.

Who we don’t work for

Yes, we work for interesting clients doing important work…however, there are some clients that we don’t want. Many have figured out the game and have a practiced sales pitch … asking for technical help in a desperate situation. Here are some interesting examples from the…

We all like gifts

A gift revealed — how a technical investigation can provide gifts of great value for no additional cost.   Our work typically involves solving technical mysteries. Frequently our clients are surprised by the results. Often they feel that the results are a gift. Here are…

Beware of scam emails

Washington state offices have some superstars in cybersecurity.  A clear example is the Washington National Guard folks who bring their expertise to state agencies.  State officials in the Secretary of State office keep elections secure with airgapped systems and redundant vote checking.  Others do a…