A gift revealed -- how a technical investigation can provide gifts of great value for no additional cost.   Our work typically involves solving technical mysteries. Frequently our clients are surprised by the results. Often they feel that the results are a gift. ...

Washington state offices have some superstars in cybersecurity.  A clear example is the Washington National Guard folks who bring their expertise to state agencies.  State officials in the Secretary of State office keep elections secure with airgapped systems and redundant vote checking.  Others do a...

The Seattle Times writes about Soviet maps In a very interesting recent article Eric Lacitis tells about maps he discovered in a Riga bookstore. They bring back real history of a country that was brutally occupied by the Soviet Union. Here is the rest of the...

Late last year on a Friday evening I discovered that logging into our Schwab.com account got lots easier. It was possible to log in without a username and password. Wow, what a vulnerability! Here is the story. Not expecting this labor-saving bonanza I hadn't recorded screen...